Puremaxx understands both the filters themselves and how they can impact a facility in so many ways. Our many NAFA trained and certified air filter specialists on staff are available to help our customers with getting the correct filters for their application and our massive inventory allows you to get them quickly! Our experience in complex filtration environments gives us unparalleled insight into solutions that reduce labor needs, energy consumption and storage requirements!
MERV 8 to 15-Mini Pleats-Carbon Pleats-Steel Frame Pleats-1″ thick to 5″ thick
Pleated filters are the most common of HVAC system filters and most systems rely on these filters alone. These filters are available in standard capacity or high capacity for longer life and dust holding capacity. Some systems may require the heavy duty version due to high velocity issues that cause the filters to pull through. Standard pleated filters are available in MERV 8 to MERV 13 and then mini pleats take over to MERV 15. Other options include carbon for odors or plastic and metal frames for specific applications.
V Cells-Rigid Cells-Bag Filters-4″ to 12″ thickness-65% to 95% Efficiency
These filters are often used as second or third layer of filtration to further reduce particle count and remove finer particles including viruses, bacteria and allergens. In many applications static pressure can be reduced by choosing these filters correctly. Speak with one of our staff to see what options may be available to improve filtration while not affecting the efficiency loss of using incorrect or inefficient filters.
Box style with gasket or gel seal 99.97% and 99.99% to 99.999% Efficiency
HEPA filters are primarily used in medical or clean room applications. Any environment that needs kept sterile will benefit from these extremely effective filters. A HEPA filter will remove virus particles but the air handling system must be designed to handle the high static pressure these filters create.
Roll media-cut pads-ring links-ring panels-pocket filters
Puremaxx stocks master rolls of poly media so that we can cut rolls and pads to size as needed. Our standard master rolls are 1/2″, 1″ and 2″ and they range from a MERV 7 (Blue) to a MERV 9 (Orange). Ring panels and ring links are available in 2 ply and 3 ply (MERV 7-8)