Puremaxx is an Awarded TIPS Vendor.
Educational facilities that are members of TIPS can benefit from:
- Pre-negotiated pricing for TIPS members
- No requirement to go through bid process, simply operate under existing TIPS contract
- Ability to purchase from a vendor with proven success

Schools, colleges, and universities come with their own set of challenges for changing filters. Now you can reduce manpower, storage needs and energy usage!
Many of these challenges are what we have designed our solutions around. Manpower shortages, storage issues, timing issues, delivery problems and availability of custom-sized filters concerns are some of the things our customers were faced with. Below are some of the reasons why so many educational facilities turn to Puremaxx for all their filter needs.
- Delivery options include 1 drop point or deliveries to multiple schools.
- Just-in-time deliveries to remove storage issues and keep the Fire Marshal happy.
- Filters are sorted and labeled by building so that no filters are remaining when complete. (also reduces installation labor time)
- Many schools have custom-size filters and we make those in high volume in our own facility.
- Delays and costing issues around final filters are removed by the size of our inventory of these filters.
- On-site filter audits for filtration improvements, labor reduction, energy savings and meeting government guidelines.
With filtration becoming a focus since COVID-19, Puremaxx can help navigate through the government guidelines while maintaining the airflow balance needed.
Better filtration = Better attendance = Better funding!