(865) 525-86977

Automated Recurring Orders

Automated Recurring Orders

Find it tough to remember to order filters? Or maybe its just certain jobs or filters that cause you a headache? We know you have a lot to keep up with and we have a solution for that! We can send you an order to confirm when its time for a filter change! Our system allows us to keep varying programs for customers that may have a monthly, quarterly and a yearly filter change that are all different. This can be exceptionally important on yearly final filters that may have a longer lead-time. Its just one more way we can lighten your load as a service coordinator or facility manager.

Also see our remote filter monitoring option for a completely hassle free filter program! https://puremaxxfiltration.com/remote-filter-monitoring/

Automated ordering solutions we provide:

  • Email reminder
  • Phone call
  • Automatic deliveries
  • Just in Time deliveries
  • Yearly varying schedule