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Are You Using the Right Kind of Filters for Your HVAC System?

Choosing the right filters for your HVAC system is crucial for maintaining optimal air quality and system performance. Various factors such as desired air quality, system specifications, and filter replacement frequency can significantly impact how well your system functions. Here’s how to ensure you’re using the best filters for your needs:

1. Understand MERV Ratings:

Different filters capture different sizes and types of particles. Here’s a quick guide to MERV ratings:


  • MERV 1-7: Basic filtration, useful for capturing large dust particles and debris.
  • MERV 8-12: Intermediate filtration, better for areas with high foot traffic.
  • MERV 13-16: High-efficiency filtration, used in more regulated spaces where high air quality is needed such as schools, commercial buildings and manufacturing.
  • HEPA and ULPA: Highest efficiency, used in applications that require contamination control such as hospitals, laboratories and manufacturing processes.


2. Check System Pressure:

Ensure your system isn’t putting too much pressure on the filter. Use a manometer to check the differential pressure in your system. This will help you determine if your filters are at risk of blowing out.

3. Maintain a Filter Replacement Log:

Keep a detailed record of when filters are replaced and the type of filters used. This will help you compare air quality and performance over time, ensuring you stick to an optimal replacement schedule.

4. Understand HVAC System Requirements:

Make sure your filter is the right size for your unit and meets airflow requirements. Extended surface filters with more media often have a lower pressure differential, which is better for your HVAC system’s efficiency and longevity.

5. Consult an HVAC Professional:

Get a professional filter audit to see if there are any system improvements that can be made. HVAC professionals can provide insights into the best filter types and maintenance practices for your specific system.

Download the Checklist:

Ensure your filters are performing optimally by downloading our comprehensive checklist. This tool will help you regularly assess your filters’ performance and make informed decisions about replacements and upgrades.

Take Action:

By following these guidelines, you can improve your HVAC system’s efficiency and air quality. If you’re unsure about your current filters or need professional advice, don’t hesitate to consult a Puremaxx HVAC specialist.

Download the checklist now and start optimizing your HVAC system today!